Legal News for UK Co-ops and Mutuals

This is a blog where brief information about developments in UK Co-op and mutual law will be reported. Readers of this blog will also find Linda Barlow's Co-operatives UK Blog at helpful. For an network of academics working on co-ops, mutuals and social enterprises visit

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Location: Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Interested in sharing information and knowledge around legal issues for co-ops and social enterprises in the co-oplawnews blog and thoughts on random issues in the "real" blog.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Draft Money Laundering Guidance for Credit Unions

The Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG) of the British Banking Association has released a draft of sectoral guidance for credit unions at . This has to be read in the context of the Money Laundering Regulations 2003 and other legislation and with the FSA Guidance and general JMLSG Guidance.

The draft has been agreed with the credit union apex organisations.